NNCC Email Newsletter | July 2021

Thursday, July 1st, 2021
Email Newsletter
July 2021
2021 Nephrology Nursing Certification
Advocacy Award Winner
The UC Davis Health Inpatient Renal Services Unit staff members at the peak of COVID-19 during California’s lockdown.

By emphasizing excellence, autonomy, and accountability, the inpatient Renal Services Unit at UC Davis Health in Sacramento, CA, has consistently logged a record of success in patient care and accolades from their facility. Now they have another trophy to add to their collection: the NNCC 2021 Award for Nephrology Nursing Certification Advocacy.

Taking an Exam?
For those planning to take an examination, please be advised that starting September 1, 2021, C-NET will no longer waive fees for COVID-related absences at their testing locations. Candidates who miss their previously scheduled examination will again be subject to the rescheduling fee stated in the current candidate handbook.
The public health emergency surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic was extended on July 20 by the Department of Health and Human Services for another 90 days.
What does this mean for you and your certification? If you’re due to certify or recertify, this requirement will be waived during this period. For more details on the waiver and its impact on your dialysis certification, read the NNCC FAQs Regarding CMS Waiver and Certification Credentials.
Front row, from left: President Sandra Bodin and Commissioners Caroline Webb, Timothy Ray, and Danilo Concepcion. Back row, from left: Public Member Kevin Harris; Secretary Katherine Cure; Commissioner Carrie Johnson; and President-Elect Lori Neal. Not pictured: Treasurer Karen Solcher.
NNCC Commissioners Meeting: Creating a Visionary Future for Your Certification
The NNCC Board of Commissioners met July 10-11 in Providence, RI, to discuss a wide variety of NNCC projects and services, and to conduct strategic planning. The Commissioners also reviewed several excellent Quality Improvement Award applications. The winner of that award will be announced in the August issue of the NNCC Enews.
You’re a critical provider for patients with kidneys disease, so you need to stay up to date on available resources for your practice. This RenalWeb “Dialysis Technician Resources” page has important news and information and is updated regularly.
Advanced Dialysis Technicians:
Take the NNCC July Pop Quiz
Attention dialysis nurses! July is your month to test your knowledge with the “NNCC Question of the Month.” The question is posted on the NNCC Facebook page. You’ll get a list of options, an explanation for the correct answer, and reference information. You can also go right to the question here. Good luck!

Campaign Urges CMS to Update Provider Regulations for Home Dialysis

Lead in Drinking Water a Danger for Kidney Disease Patients

Major Initiative Launched to Assess Dialysis Provider Performance

Study: Patients on Hemodialysis Have Higher Blood Pressure at Home vs at Centers

Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission
PO Box 56, Pitman, NJ 08071
888-884-6622  |  www.nncc-exam.orgnncc@nncc-exam.org