NNCC Presents...
Your Stories
NNCC launched the "Your Stories" series to help our certificants get recognized for all they do as certified dialysis providers and to build connections within our professional community.
Sandra Seddon, RN, CNN, Staff Nurse
Fresenius Clinic Outpatient, Maplewood, NJ
My story involves a patient under my care this year for dialysis. The patient is diabetic and has a below-knee amputation of the left leg. He is a candidate for monthly checks on his right foot.
Should there be complications on his foot, the outcome could have been disastrous, resulting in a bone infection, amputation, sepsis, or death.
Career Mobility Scholarships – Apply by November 30
Advocacy Award – Apply by January 1, 2021
NNCC Award for Nephrology Nursing Certification Advocacy (One $1,000 award)
Winners!! 2020 Award for Quality Improvement
In case you missed it, read about the two facilities chosen for 2020:
Fresenius Kidney Care Crystal Springs Dialysis, Roanoke, VA, and UVA Health Dialysis Program Kidney Center and Lynchburg Dialysis, Charlottesville, VA. Both received QI awards for innovative patient programs launched at their facilities.
Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar announced last month that a public health emergency declaration will be renewed in the U.S. for an additional 90 days due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Get ready nephrology nurse practitioners! It’s your turn to answer the November “NNCC Question of the Month!” The question is posted on the NNCC Facebook page. You’ll get a list of options, an explanation for the correct answer, and reference information. You can also go right to the question here.
USRDS Releases 2020 Annual Data Report
Learn the latest data that will inform your practice with the 2020 USRDS Annual Data Report. The 2020 interactive ADR is fully interactive with downloadable information. (USRDS, 11/20)
New Guideline: Treating Patients with CKD and Diabetes
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) has published a practice guideline for diabetes management in patients with chronic kidney disease. It includes comprehensive care information and such other topics as glycemic monitoring, lifestyle interventions, approaches to self-management, and optimal models of care. (Healio, 10/12/20)
Californians Vote Down Mandatory Physician Supervision
The California ballot measure, ‘Protect the Lives of Dialysis Patient Act,’ that requires outpatient dialysis clinics to have a physician present during all dialysis treatments failed by a 2-1 margin on election night. (Healio, 11/4/20)
Expert: ‘Fad Diets’ May Spark Kidney Patients’ Weight Loss
Monitoring is crucial, but jumpstarting some kidney disease patients on such plans as the ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting may help by sparking patient motivation, according to a speaker at a recent ANNA conference. (Healio; 11/9/20)
Experts: Include Nurses in Biden-Harris COVID-19 Task Force
Health care professionals have called on the Biden-Harris transition team to include a public health nurse on the COVID-19 advisory board, saying that it’s the only way to achieve an interdisciplinary approach to mitigating the pandemic.
Should You Correct Misinformation on Social Media?
Scrolling through Facebook during the pandemic can get cringe-worthy. Do you as a health care professional have a duty to correct inaccurate statements? Here’s some guidance. (American Nurse, 11/2/20)