We’ve Got the Best Dialysis Technicians!
Honoring Our CCHTs and CCHT-As
If you are a dialysis technician, we hope you got the recognition you deserve during the National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists (NANT) National Dialysis Technician Recognition Week earlier this month.
NNCC applauds your dedication to your patients and your life-saving work. We are honored and grateful that you continue to trust us for your certification needs!
HHS Renews COVID-19
Public Health Emergency for 7th Time
The COVID-19 public health emergency was extended on October 18 by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for at least another 90 days. The agency first declared the pandemic a public health emergency on January 31, 2020, and has since renewed it continuously.
What does this mean for you and your certification? If you’re due to certify or recertify, this requirement will be waived by the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) during this period. For more details on the waiver and its impact on your dialysis certification, read the NNCC FAQs Regarding CMS Waiver and Certification Credentials.
Members of the Advanced Practice Exam Board and CNN-NP Test Committee members at their recent meeting.
Ensuring the Highest Standards
for Your CNN-NP Exam
The exams offered by NNCC remain rigorous and relevant, and that means your credential remains highly valued in the industry.
Each exam is regularly reviewed for content, and the CNN-NP exam recently went through this process. Our dedicated Advanced Practice Exam Board and CNN-NP Test Committee members met in October in Denver, CO, to review the exam questions and ensure reliability of the test to meet the highest standards in nephrology practice. Join us in thanking this team for their dedication and hard work!
Nurses and Technicians!
Apply Today for a Career Mobility Scholarship
Need career support? We’re here for you. See below for the available scholarships and apply before the deadlines!
Dialysis Technicians:
Take the NNCC October Pop Quiz
Dialysis technicians, it’s your special month, so you get to take the October “NNCC Question of the Month.” The question is posted on the NNCC Facebook page. You’ll get a list of options, an explanation for the correct answer, and reference information. You can also go right to the question here.
Have fun and good luck!
Dialysis Facility Closures Linked to Higher Patient Hospitalizations and Deaths
To Move Home Dialysis Forward, Universal Access to Connect Health Technologies is Needed
Legislators Introduce Bill to Fund Home-Assisted Dialysis Care
Policies on Vaccine Mandates Vary in Transplant Centers
Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission