Your certification is a tremendous professional achievement that demonstrates your commitment to your patients and your practice. To further support your goals, NNCC offers a variety of awards, scholarships, and grants available to you each year.
The program has grown continuously, and many NNCC certificants have reaped the benefits, and in turn, so have their patients and facilities. It’s extremely rewarding on our end to know that this program has directly helped so many people.
To make it quick and easy for you to learn what’s available and apply, we’ve put together a quick guide, below.
Main page, NNCC Awards, Scholarships, and Grants
Research Grant – Barbara F. Prowant Nursing Research Grant, $5,000, offered through the American Nephrology Nurses Association.
Career Mobility Scholarships (Deadline 11/30/20)
Advocacy Award – NNCC Award for Nephrology Nursing Certification Advocacy (One $1,000 award)
Your work saves lives. You're highly trained and respected, and your certification speaks to your dedication. You bond with patients, educate them, and help them navigate kidney treatments and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
You have stories to share, and we want them. Did you have a patient who affected you deeply? Has your path to being a nephrology technician or nurse been unique? Do you have a situation that could help our readers learn from your experience? All you have to do is type it out (500 – 1000 words) and send it with your name, credentials, city/state, and contact information to nncc@nncc-exam.org.
Your story will be considered for this enewsletter and possibly for a longer feature. It will also appear on our social media pages.
Don't hesitate to contact us with questions. Your submission doesn't need to be perfectly written, we can help with that, we just want you to speak from the heart. Thank you!
Visit NNCC Virtual Exhibit Booth
at Upcoming Meetings
The September “NNCC Question of the Month” is for dialysis nurses and is posted on the NNCC Facebook page. You’ll get a list of options, an explanation for the correct answer, and reference information. You can also go right to the question here.
Study: Higher Fruit Intake Decreased Constipation
Patients on hemodialysis who reported low fruit consumption were more likely to have constipation, according to Brazilian researchers. (Healio; 9/14/20)
CMS Finalizes ESRD Treatment Choices Model
CMS released the final version of its ESRD Treatment Choices payment model on September 18. Aimed at incentivizing dialysis providers to place more patients with ESRD on home dialysis or refer them for a kidney transplant, the plan estimates a $23 million savings. (Nephrology News & Issues, 9/18/20)
One Caregiver’s Story: I Need to Stay with Hospitalized Husband
Linda Narucki Pham describes her efforts to stay with her husband during his hospitalization and shares a letter for other caregivers to use to help them make their case. (Home Dialysis Central; 9/17/20)
JAMA Reports on Safety of Reused N95 Masks
Expired or previously used and sterilized N95 respirators can be used when new N95 respirators are unavailable during the COVID-19 pandemic, according a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. (Clinical Advisor; 9/17/20)