November 2015
The electronic news bulletin contains important information for all current certificants as well as those seeking certification. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. or 888-884-6622 (Mon – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm ET)
Sent to those committed to excellence!
NNCC supports nephrology education and research by providing scholarships, grants and awards. We encourage everyone who is eligible to consider applying.
NNCC Career Mobility Scholarships:
For Technicians and LPNs/LVNs
NNCC will award three (3) Career Mobility Scholarships to support a qualified CCHT, CCHT-A and/or CD/LPN/LVN.
- Awarded annually
- $2000.00 award
- For continuing education and development or support of a program to improve patient outcomes in the health science field.
- Application form and instructions are available on the Scholarships/Grants page page of the NNCC website
- The deadline to apply is November 30, 2015. Winners will be notified in the spring 2016.
NOTE: Fax copies of documents are NOT accepted.
Barbara F. Prowant Nursing Research Grant — DEADLINE NOVEMBER 15, 2015
- NNCC grant given annually through the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA).
- $5,000 grant
- To promote nursing research, particularly in the area of nephrology.
- The deadline to apply for this grant is November 15, 2015.
- Details can be found on the ANNA website at
Does Your Facility/Organization Value Certification? Apply Now For the Nephrology Nursing Advocacy Award — DEADLINE JANUARY 1, 2016
- Provided annually to an organization/facility/department/unit that demonstrates that it values certification
- The award consists of:
- a wall plaque, and
- a $500 gift card, and
- a press release, and
- recognition on the NNCC website and at the NNCC exhibit at professional nephrology events.
- Details are now available on the NNCC website at or download the application here.
NOTE: Nominations must be received no later than January 1, 2016 for the 2016 award.
CDN and CNN Career Mobility Scholarships — Award Amounts increasing! 2016 Deadline Already Passed
- NNCC grants given annually through the American Nephrology Nurses' Association (ANNA)
- Three (3) $3,000 grants in 2016 for the 2017 calendar year.
- Awarded to CNNs and CDNs who are members of ANNA and are pursuing either a BSN or advanced degree in nursing.
- The deadline for 2015 has already passed, but keep these scholarships in mind for 2016!
Nephrology nurses and hemodialysis technicians have a number of ways to obtain continuing education. Please review this list of options for meetings and online continuing education materials from a variety of providers.
Annual Dialysis Conference — February 27 - March 1, 2016
- Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA
- For all professionals involved in providing care in dialysis programs
- Day-long preconference sessions on Saturday, February 27 specifically for:
- Dialysis technician program
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Hemodialysis
- Home Hemodialysis
- Pediatrics
- Click here for more information regarding this meeting
- Nursing Scholarship Available — for all nephrology nurses with no more than three (3) years of dialysis experience:
- Recipient will receive a waived registration to one Saturday preconference, travel reimbursement and other conference related expenses up to $1500.
- Applications due by November 15, 2015
- Click here for more information regarding this scholarship
National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists (NANT) — March 21 - 24, 2016
- Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
- Many opportunities for hemodialysis technician continuing education.
- Click here for more information on NANT local chapter activities as well as details for the Spring, 2016 meeting.
National Kidney Foundation — April 27 - May 1, 2016
- Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
- Professional information for nurses, hemodialysis technicians, advanced practice nurses and others who care for patients with kidney disease.
- Day-long Dialysis Certification Review Course offered Wednesday, April 27, 2016, appropriate for nurses and hemodialysis technicians.
- Also provides online continuing education materials, some free of charge for nurses and hemodialysis technicians.
- Click here to be taken to the NKF Spring Clinical Meeting website.
American Nephrology Nurses' Association (ANNA) 47th National Symposium, May 1 - 4, 2016
- Marriott Louisville, Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, KY.
- Sessions available for nurses at all skill and experience levels in nephrology that provide continuing education credits.
- For more information click here to be taken to the ANNA website.
- Effective beginning July 1, 2017
- Continuing education credits required for recertification will increase from 30 hours to 45 hours in the previous three (3) years of certification
- Change made to match requirements for CNN recertification criteria.
- These are two separate exams.
- CCHT exam is for all hemodialysis technicians.
- CCHT-A exam is an advanced credential for a nationally certified dialysis technician (CCHT, CHT, CCNT)
- With at least five (5) years continuous employment as a clinical dialysis technician, and
- who has functioned in a variety of roles.
Why become CCHT-A certified? Hear what some technicians are saying about the CCHT-A credential:
“I am enjoying the unforeseen benefits about having the CCHT-A Certification. My company allows me to function in a position that utilizes all of my various skill sets. I think all Dialysis Technicians who love their craft should obtain this credential. It's great to be among the elite in the field that we have chosen. I am recognized by all of the Dialysis team members for this accomplishment, however it really feels great when patients recognize it.” – Forest Rawls, CCHT-A, Vascular Access Coordinator
“Recognition, respect, confidence and trust are attributes that are elevated by being recognized as "Advanced" in any field. Patients, peers, physicians and nurses recognize and acknowledge that advanced certification in dialysis is achieved by possessing a higher understanding of the what, how and why's of dialysis. I am obligated to learn and know as much as I can to keep my patients safe and efficiently dialyzed. Being a Certified Clinical Hemodialysis Technician - Advanced gives me the assurance that I am progressing to that end.” - Danilo B. Concepcion, CBNT, CCHT-A, FNKF Operations Manager
Obtaining the CCHT-A certification gives validation to the higher level of skill and knowledge that an individual has gained. This shows a commitment to one's personal and professional growth, and your desire to provide the best care to the people that you serve. This commitment will be recognized by the patients you care for, the peers that you work with, and your employer. It may also open additional avenues to advance your career into positions you did not think possible. - Ken Renel, CCHT-A, CBNT, CDWS, Manger, Renal Technical Services
Inactive Status Available
- Applies when a CNN, CDN or CD-LPN/LVN is unable to meet the requirements for recertification due to unusual circumstances.
- Provide a letter with the application that explains the unusual circumstances.
- If approved, is granted for a single 3 year period.
- Certification credential may not be used during the inactive period.
- Must meet usual recertification criteria to recertify.
- Click here to obtain the application under recertification of the applicable credential.
Emeritus Status
- Used for persons:
- are over 50 years of age,
- have maintained an active credential, and
- have retired from active practice.
- Application for Emeritus Status is found under Recertification Options specific to the credential.
- Submit one-time fee.
- Details can be found at
Download and use current certification and recertification applications from the NNCC website at Old versions of these documents are NOT accepted!
NNCC staff are available to assist with questions, but the phone can be challenging during times when many people are in the process of recertifying. If you need assistance, it is recommended that you email NNCC and a member of the office staff will contact you promptly. Simply go to the NNCC homepage at and click on "Contact NNCC" or add NNCC to your email address book:, for easy access.
Please review the applicable application form and note the criteria for continuing education submitted for certification and recertification. Continuing education credits must be applicable to the person's credential and scope of practice in nephrology. Continuing education credit for materials that do not apply to the person's nephrology role and scope of practice will not be accepted.
Another important reminder regards the NNCC Certified Directory, available on the NNCC website at The NNCC Certified Directory allows for online verification of certification. It is maintained as a searchable database that displays all individuals matching the selection criteria who have not elected to keep their information private. All managers are strongly encouraged to verify credentials by viewing this directory regularly.
The Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission is on Facebook, and we'd love to connect with you. "Like" us on Facebook to keep up with certification and exam information, NNCC and industry news, and much more. It's also a great place to share your stories, network with fans from across the country, and get in contact with NNCC directly.
"Like" us today on Facebook by visiting or by clicking the link below.

Think you know all you need to know about the CCHT recertification process? Check out our "Did You Know.." sheet, and make sure you do.
NNCC also has some frequently asked questions regarding CCHT recertification on it's Facebook page. You can view these frequently asked questions by visiting
The Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC) exists to establish credentialing mechanisms for improving the quality of care provided to nephrology patients.
The Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission supports the philosophy that there should be a diversity of examinations that will effectively provide the opportunity for certification at various levels of education, experience, and area of practice within nephrology nursing.
For more information, visit