We all know that reality is such that what you learn in books isn’t what you see in actual practice settings. Is the test based on "book-smart" or "street-smart" information?

The preparation of the test is purposefully designed to be legally defensible and psychometrically sound. The test is kept up-to-date by the CNN-NP item writers to make sure every question is pertinent and current to today’s clinical practice. 

What are the range of scores typically seen? How many people pass/fail?

The passing score of the test is determined by a panel of CNN-NPs who serve as subject matter experts (SMEs). Both experienced and newly certified NPs serve on this panel. This group performs a standard setting procedure (Angoff) in which each test question is reviewed to determine its level of difficulty.  The passing score is based on the level of difficulty of the questions and what number of questions need to be answered correctly to identify individuals who have an acceptable level of knowledge and skill.


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