NNCC Board of Commissioners Approves Changes to CCHT-A Recertification Requirements; Reduced Fees
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Taking a break from their 2-day meeting in San Diego are the NNCC Board of Commissioners. From left: Danilo Concepcion, Deborah Brooks, Judith Wales, Sandra Bodin, Theresa Mottes, Karen Solcher, Lori Neal, Lindsay Williamson, and Kevin Harris
The NNCC Board of Commissioners meet three times each year to help steer the operations and success of NNCC and each of its credentials. Here are two important changes that were approved at the recent fall meeting in San Diego, CA:
CCHT-A recertification continuing education requirements will be reduced. Effective January 1, 2020, the CCHT-A recertification eligibility criteria will change for all those due for recertification January 1, 2020, and beyond:
- Continuing education required for recertification of the CCHT-A will be reduced from 40 contact hours to 30 with a minimum of 10 contact hours from programs specific to nephrology.
- In addition, a minimum of 10 contact hours must be accredited by one of NNCC’s approved providers of CE credits, as outlined in the requirements listed on the NNCC website and listed in the recertification application booklet.
CCHT-A recertification application fees will be reduced.
Effective January 1, 2020, the recertification application fee for all CCHT-As due for recertification January 1, 2020, and beyond will be reduced from $150 to $100.
CNN-NP Committee Meets to Update Exam Questions
CNN-NP Test Committee, shown from left: Jessica Geer, Tim Ray, Leslie Prosser, Karen Solcher, Deborah Brooks, and Chair, Belbina Periera.
The NNCC Advanced Practice Exam Board and CNN-NP Test Committee is one of many of our groups comprised of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time to ensure NNCC’s exams represent current practice. The committee met November 2-3, 2019, in Santa Fe, NM, to review and update all test questions.
We thank each and every member for all they do for NNCC and nephrology NPs.
NNCC Represented at ASN Kidney Week 2019
Advanced Practice Exam Board members Amy Perry, MSN, APRN-BC, CNN-NP (left), and Margaret Butler, APRN, NP-C, CNN-NP, staffed the NNCC booth at the American Society of Nephrology’s Kidney Week 2019, November 5-10, in Washington, DC. The meeting is a global gathering of nephrology industry professionals on the latest knowledge and advancements in care.
NNCC and our partner nephrology organizations offer several career mobility scholarships to NNCC certificants. If you are furthering your education, click the links below and apply by November 30!
(Three $3,000 scholarships)
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