NNCC Offering 6-Month Grace Period for Recertification Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
NNCC will offer a 6-month grace period for all individuals due to recertify in 2020 who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This grace period would not extend your certification period, but will allow you to meet your eligibility criteria within 6 months of your certification expiration date.
If you have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and were due to recertify your credential in 2020, you may complete the grace period acknowledgement form and submit it along with your recertification application and application fee up to 6 months after your certification expiration date. The form is available for download on the NNCC website under 'Recertify' for each certification credential.
There will be NO late fee required. The grace period acknowledgement form must be included with your recertification application to take advantage of this grace period.
Whether you use the grace period or not, your certification period and expiration date does not change. No contact hours that were used to recertify the credential during the grace period may be reused to meet requirements during your next certification period.
Need clarification on the current CMS ESRD waivers and your certification credentials?
Many of you have contacted us with questions and concerns brought about by the coronavirus outbreak. We’re committed to keeping you fully informed, so we’ve assembled some FAQs and provided you detailed answers to help you navigate this challenging time.
Important Information Regarding Certification Testing
In an effort to do our part in mitigating the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), C-NET and our test delivery partner, PSI, have temporarily suspended all testing throughout the United States and its territories.
Please use the link below for detailed information regarding CCHT examination application submission, processing, and testing.
Both NNCC and C-NET continue to be operational and will continue to process applications for both certification and recertification. We will keep you updated as information becomes available.
The NNCC community congratulates Certified Nephrology Nurse, Teri Jo Kinnison, RN, BS, CNN, of Tempe, AZ, for receiving the Carol Mattix Award from the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). Kinnison was one of hundreds of nephrology practitioners considered for the award, which is given for “relentless efforts to enhance the lives of patients through action, education and accelerating change.” Read the full story here.
Take the NNCC March Pop Quiz
The April “NNCC Question of the Month” is for dialysis nurses and is posted on the NNCC Facebook page. You’ll get a list of options, an explanation for the correct answer, and reference information. You can also go right to the survey here.
Bonus questions! COVID-19 is top of mind for everyone, so we’ve also posted some extra questions on our Facebook page. Click here for a quiz for nurses and technicians and here for a question geared to telehealth and advanced practice nurses.
NNCC Presents...
Your Stories
You don't always get recognized for all you do as a certified dialysis provider.
To help change that, NNCC asked you to send us your stories – whether it’s about a patient who affected you, a mentor who encouraged you, or the caring that motivates you. Many of you responded, so we’ll be sharing them periodically in this newsletter.
Read and enjoy your story for April, featuring James Lyles, RT, CCHT.
Recognizing Technicians for Care and Compassion
James Lyles, RT, CCHT
I’ve had the pleasure of being a dialysis technologist (CCHT) for 34 years. It has truly been a great experience, educationally speaking, as well as personally fulfilling. I’ve received many compliments for my performance and compassion during my tenure, and was featured in a 2008 issue of Healthy Cells Magazine.
My question is: Why aren't technologist like myself recognized in newsletters for our longevity and compassion in the field of nephrology? We work long hours to provide safe and professional care to patients experiencing end stage renal disease on a daily basis for many years. After all, without us, dialysis as we know it would not be possible. I’ve had patients who have asked this very question and I had to give it some thought. A little recognition goes a long way in this field as we all know.
Thanks for your time and for everything NNCC does!
Quality is your paramount goal, and NNCC wants to reward you for it. The NNCC Quality Improvement Award is given to an individual or organization who has participated in a quality improvement project that promotes optimal patient outcomes in nephrology. The recipient will receive $1,000, national recognition, and a personally delivered engraved plaque during an awards ceremony. Submit the electronic application before June 15, 2020.
Upcoming Meeting
Visit our booth at this upcoming meeting to learn about NNCC's certifications, award programs, and more.
ANNA 2020 National Symposium
Rescheduled for August 30-September 2, 2020, Orlando, FL
Booth #100
ANNA Launches Online Tool to Get Nurses to COVID-19 Hotspots
Responding to a critical shortage of nephrology nurses as kidney complications spike in COVID-19 patients, the American Nephrology Nurses Association has launched a "COVID-19 Nephrology Nurse Surge Support" interactive map that identifies hot spots across the U.S. and allows nurses to answer facilities' calls for help. Complete information is here.
Dialysis Industry Ramping Up to Support Hospitals Slammed by COVID-19
Industry is responding to an exploding need for dialysis equipment and supplies at hospitals in COVID-19 surge areas, stepping up production and creating a reserve pool of dialysis machines to be shifted around the country based on need. (MedPage Today, 4/21/20)
Dialysis Industry Unites In Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic
The country’s largest dialysis providers and other dialysis companies are collaborating in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to offer isolation capacity for dialysis patients at risk or infected with the virus. (Renal & Urology News; 4/1/2020)
Dapagliflozin CKD Trial Stopped Early Due to “Overwhelming Efficacy”
The phase 3 DAPA-CKD trial evaluating dapagliflozin (Farxiga) as a possible treatment to delay the progression of renal failure and prevent cardiovascular/renal death in CKD patients has been stopped early due to “overwhelming efficacy.” (Renal & Urology News; 4/2/2020)
UNOS Launches Resource Page for Organ Transplant/COVID-19
The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) has developed a news and resources page to help inform health care providers about COVID-19 and solid organ transplantation. (UNOS; accessed 4/15/2020)