NNCC's approach to certification has always been patient-focused, with the primary goals of promoting patient safety and ensuring quality of care.
NNCC's approach to certification has always been patient-focused, with the primary goals of promoting patient safety and ensuring quality of care.
NNCC offers certification for nephrology and dialysis healthcare professionals in virtually any role, from technicians to nurse practitioners.
Tired of lost mail or blocked email messages? NNCC certificants now have the option of receiving reminder notices and important information regarding certification via text messaging.
When you sign up for NNCC mobile service, you will receive your certification reminder notice via text message to your mobile phone at least 90 days prior to your certification expiration date. You will also receive important news regarding NNCC and certification via text message.
It has come to our attention that books and flash cards are being marketed and sold as preparation materials for NNCC certification examinations. These materials are NOT CREATED, NOR ENDORSED by NNCC. The use of these materials is NOT RECOMMENDED when preparing for the exam. Please review the Practice/Prepare tab under your credential for a list of recommended reference materials.
Special Accommodations
NNCC’s testing partner, C-NET offers special accommodation in conjunction with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). English as a second language is not considered by the ADA to be a disability. NNCC’s certification exams are English language exams, meant to establish that a NNCC-certified individual meets the requirements of a nationally certified healthcare professional practicing in the United States.
When surveyed, 95% of nurse managers responded that nursing certification "indicates attainment of a practice standard."
Brown, et al. "The Value of Oncology Nursing Certification." Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 14(6), pp. E63-E69.