The Commission
Lori Neal, MSN RN CNN
Lori Neal has been a Certified Nephrology Nurse for 19 years with over 24 years in nephrology nursing. She enjoys working a hospital based acute dialysis nurse with the opportunity to expand into apheresis therapy. Lori has a background out-patient setting, management and research.
Karen Solcher APRN NP-C CNN-NP
President-Elect / Chair, Advanced Practice Exam Board
Karen Solcher is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner with the Nephrology Division of Stormont-Vail Health of Topeka, Kansas. She received her BSN in 1992 and MSN in 1999. SOLCHER received her CNN-NP in 2012. She works in CKD clinics, outpatient hemodialysis, home dialysis and acute nephrology care. She has worked with nephrology patients since 1995. She currently serves as a member of the Advance Practice exam board and will join the NNCC commission in April, 2019. Karen is a member of the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA).
Timothy Ray, DNP CNP CNN-NP
Timothy Ray Nephrology nurse practitioner for 21 years working in private practice with 3 nephrologists and three other NP’s. Clinical practice in acute hospital care and CKD/AKI patients, as well as general nephrology care. Help manage a home dialysis unit in a local long term care facility, and care for CKD issues in the patients living there. Have authored textbook chapters on acute are for nephrology NP’s, as well as for fluid/electrolytes and acid/base. Recently produced with AANP two online presentations on CKD and anemia management, as well as CKD and type2 diabetic care, including two podcasts. Currently co-chair of the AANP urology/nephrology specialty practice group (SPG). On clinical faculty at local nursing schools working with nurse practitioner students, as well as with a local PA program working with PA students. Have presented many times at the local, state and national level on a variety of nephrology topics. Have been a member of the NNCC CNN-NP test committee since 2010, and on their board for last few years as well.
Caroline F. Webb, BSN RN CNN
Commissioner / Liaison, Co-Chair Nursing Exam Board
Caroline Webb currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida. She is completing a year-long fellowship for advanced practice providers in hypertension and nephrology at Mayo Clinic. She also works with IKONA health to develop innovative patient education for CKD and ESRD patients. In the past 10 years of working in nephrology, Caroline has been a case manager for CKD and ESRD patients, worked as an outpatient peritoneal dialysis nurse, and worked at the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania as an acute dialysis RN. She completed her Family Nurse Practitioner MSN in 2023 at Averett University. She has also had the privilege of being the CNN Chairperson for the NNCC nursing test committee board since 2022 .
Carrie Johnson, MSN RN CNN
Carrie Johnson has been a nephrology nurse since 2011 and has experience working in acute hemodialysis, outpatient hemodialysis, and home therapies. Carrie is currently working as a Renal Care Coordinator Supervisor with Interwell Health. She served as an item writer for the CNN Test Committee from 2015 to 2020. She obtained her MSN in Quality, Safety and Risk Management in June 2021.
Lori Mahaffey, RN CNN
Lori Mahaffey is a Certified Nephrology Nurse with 35 years of experience in Nephrology. Lori has held various positions during her tenure in dialysis, including both chronic and acute hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis Coordinator, Transplant Liaison, and Director of Clinical Operations of 4 centers for 17 years. Lori has served on the local ANNA Level as Chapter President and Chapter Secretary. On the National Level, she has served on the ANNA Conference Committee. Lori was a chapter author for Contemporary Nephrology Nursing’s 3rd Edition, and a chapter reviewer for the 4th edition. Lori has also been selected several times as an item writer/reviewer for the National Council of the State Board of Nursing. Lori has been a member of the NNCC’s CNN Conference Test Committee for 10 years and has been a board member for the past 4 years.
Jennifer Murray, BSN RN CNN
Jennifer Murray is a certified dialysis nurse with 19 years of experience in dialysis. Currently, Jen works in an outpatient hemodialysis clinic as a charge nurse. Jen has worked primarily in outpatient chronic hemodialysis, however, she has experience with home hemodialysis as well as peritoneal dialysis. She had the privilege of being a chapter reviewer for the Contemporary Nephrology Nursing, 5th edition. She also had the opportunity to serve as an item writer on the CDN test committee in 2018 and then subsequently joined the Nursing Exam Board in spring of 2021. She is also a member of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF).
Mary Greensides, CCHT-A
Mary Greensides has been a hemodialysis technician for over 28 years in which she has in the Chronic/Acute/Post-Acute settings. Her roles and responsibilities include, Senior Tech/Preceptor of RNs and Techs, yearly Patient Education, Management of Water room integrity and training, Conducting Annual Competencies. Mary is currently working for Rockford Davita and has served as an Item-writer for the CCHT-A Committee. Recently appointed Co-Chair of NNCC test Committee and has begun her new term on the NNCC Commissioners Board effective April 1.
David Cikatz
Public Member
David Cikatz is a financial advisor with Edward Jones in Waterford, CT. David lives in Stonington, CT with his wife, Kara, and two kids, Zoe and Luca. David's favorite thing to do with his family is travel, be on or in the water (fortunate to live 10 minutes from the ocean) and he really does love his job, helping clients achieve their financial goals.
Karen Solcher, Chairperson
Margaret Butler
Jessica Geer
Belbina Pereira
Leslie Prosser
Tim Ray
Kim Deaver, MSN RN CNN
Board Members:
Mary Greensides, CCHT-A
Jennifer Barker, CCHT-A
Natasha VandeKamp, CCHT
Douglas Williams, CCHT
LaVonne Burrows, MS RN APRN-BC CNN
Caroline Webb, BSN RN CNN
Board Members:
Heather Everett, RN CDN
Yvette Himsl, BSN RN CNN
Casandra Medlock, BSN RN CNN
Sally Houlihan, BSN RN CDN
Katherine H. Houle, MSN APRN C-FNP CNN-NP
Executive Director
Katherine H. Houle is a certified Nephrology Nurse Practitioner. She has been associated with nephrology certification since 2006. She was a member of the original committee that wrote the CNN-NP certification exam. She has been a commissioner on the Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC) since 2006, serving as President from 2013-2015. She was appointed Associate Executive Director of the NNCC in April of 2017, and assumed the role of Executive Director in MArch of 2019.
Kim Carbonaro
Associate Executive Director
Kim Carbonaro began working at Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. (AJJ) in 1999 as the Chapter Services Coordinator for American Nephrology Nursing Association (ANNA). In July 2000, Kim accepted a position with the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) as an Executive Secretary/Association Services Manager. Kim moved over to AJJ's marketing/advertising department for a short time before accepting the position of Director of Certification Services. Kim's duties include coordinating all aspects of the certification and recertification processes, providing administrative support to the NNCC commissioners and executive director, and working directly with the test management company, C-NET.
Marianne Cummins
Certification Specialist
Marianne Cummins has been with NNCC as a Certification Specialist since May 2005. Marianne is responsible for all aspects of the recertification process.
Margaret Caranfa
Certification Specialist
Margaret Caranfa has been with NNCC as a Certification Specialist since February 2015. Margaret is responsible for all aspects of the recertification process.
Thea Stout
Customer Service Coordinator
Thea Stout has been with NNCC as a Customer Service Coordinator since June 2023. Thea is responsible for all aspects of the customer service coordinator process.